Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Would this look good in our living room?

Would this look good in our living room?
Originally uploaded by java boo boo

It's on sale for $1999.


TC said...

It might, but I could for sure think of better uses for $2000 :)

Cap'n John said...

For 2K, on sale, that better be a top of the line unit.

You can get 50" for around $1,000 now, if you shop around and don't have to have a Mitsubishi.

Also be aware that you get big screen lag/latency with the big screens. It's not an issue if you're just watching movies, but if you're playing DDR, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, etc, you'll be missing notes because of the screen lag.

Java Boo Boo said...

I was looking at the entertainment center... not the TV. We've already got a big un. But, now that we have a puppy, it's gonna be a while before we get any new furniture.