Monday, January 19, 2009

The Hills Have Eyes

So, I'm watching this horror movie on Spike TV right now. Yes it's gross and what not. But, I look at this father's determination to get his child back from the mutants and like, it is so powerful. Having a son, I relate to his death fight with the mutants to save the infants life. Weird. I doubt I would be able to connect with a horror movie on such a level had I not had this experience with having a son. Enlightening really.

I see everything quite differently now. Today in town, there was a funeral for a local solider who was recently killed in Iraq. The whole city came out to show their support and thanks for his service by standing on the local highway. As the herse drove past and I saw the look in the parents eyes, as they waved a wave of "thank you" to us... it was look of such sorrow and loss. It really hit me. As a father you just see things differently.

Everyday Brayden grows so much and does new things. I can't imagine a better thing in life. His new favorite activity is sitting in his jumper and jumping while I play guitar. That is so awesome, and he has good rhythm!

Ok back to the movie. Watching the father hack these mutants to death with a battle axe is quite interesting. Now seeing the guys dog tear apart one is also quite interesting.

Allright, I gotta finish watching this gore fest. More later.

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