Thursday, February 12, 2009

Investools Seminar Review, Part 2... and Obama is destroying America.

It's been a few days since the event, and I've had some time to mull everything over. Basically, when you step back and look at the whole scenario I have determined the odds of succeeding at the Investools method are somewhat skewed to the -not so good-.

While in the seminar they tout how easy it is to pick the stocks, and they show fabulous examples of the return potential, by illustrating how, "If you had bought this stock 30 days ago, you would have made 20%" Of course they are all ideal examples and when it comes time to actually trying it on your own, even using the technical and fundamental indicators, you still have no idea where the market is really going over the short term.

The more I've read about Options trading, the more I've realized how risky it is. True, they told us that it was risky, but after reading in books, it becomes a lot more clear how risky it is. The flip side is, you can make great cash doing it, but more often than not... people lose. Usually a victim to the market unpredictability.

I've joined an online paper trading contest, we'll see how i do.

The other thing is, now that a few days have passed, all the hype has gone and the reality of exactly how much time it takes to successfully pick and trade a stock is setting in. It takes way more than 1-hour per night to even find a good company to buy and do all the research. Although, sometimes, there may not even be any good ones that meet your search criteria out there for these market conditions.

I'm going to still keep this in my mind though for future endeavors.

Since there is a lot of methodical thinking involved at it, I'm confident I could do quite well. However, my primary goal is to get the house paid off so we can be debt free and then begin to enjoy this "great depression" we are in.

Because, when you stop and think about it, if you have have no credit card debt, no car payments, no student loans, and no house payment... you can do amazing things in the coming years. The other side of that is, if you lose your job, you don't have to be quite so concerned because you have no debt payments. Which is also a good thing.

Experts all over are saying that this thing could last 5 or more years. Anyone can look at a chart of the Dow or SP500 and see the historical trends. Typically flatlines in the market last about 17 years... we are about 9 into this one, so I say we have about 8 more to go before the market and ecomony breaks out again.

Are you like me? Do you believe Obama is slowly destroying America? I know a lot of people who voted for Obama are now seeing what he is doing, and realzing they made a monumental mistake. All we can do as individuals is do everything we can to make sure we elect someone with some experience at running something next time.

I dunno, we'll see how things go, but I may have to run for president or something... enough with this political correctness garbage. It's turning everyone into a bunch of retards and pansies. People whine and complain about stupid things. I see it in the news everyday. Grow a freakin' backbone you wusses! Shrug it off and move forward. Better yourself. Do something positive. Don't just sit around and complain about your situation. Fix it! Good Lord!

Case in point, at Obama's town hall or whatever earlier this week. That kid who stood up and worked at McDonald's for 4 years... hello... if you aren't moving up the ladder, then more than likely it's YOU and not management or anyone else. Have you checked your attitude lately? That's usually a good place to start. People skills for the love of Pete.

You are PART-TIME. Part time workers don't get benefits. That's the way it always has been. It is suppose to help you realize that you need a BETTER job.... Go Find It! Freakin' A. Seriously.

If people would spend their time doing something to help themselves, instead of complaining about their situation, everyone would be a lot happier.

Allrighty, now that that's off my chest.... bedtime!

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