Yesterday I decided to try out a new haircut joint, ie Barbershop. Previously I have been going to a stylist at a Salon. The same one I've been using since 10th grade.
Well, the haircut went fine, I guess. It grows back after all. When it was all said and done, the guy gave me one of his business cards. Written upon that card was his name and the phrase, "Master Barber". Pretty Impressive.
Well, it would have been... had it not all been printed out on one of those business card template sheets you get in 50packs at Wal-Mart. It could have said anything... astronaut, doctor, whatever.
My question is, what exactly does it take to be a master barber?
and if you are a master... can't you afford some cards printed and cut at Office Depot. You know, the ones without perforated edges.
It seems to me that a post which includes the lines: "
Well, the haircut went fine, I guess. It grows back after all." should also include a photo of said "fine" haircut ;)
I should get me some Master Blogger cards printed up. Heck, I've been at it six years, surely that entitles me to Master status.
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