Monday, November 09, 2009

How is Obama doing as a President?

I try not to be overly political, but I am having a hard time believing that the things that are going on in DC are going to really to benefit anyone.

I heard this clip the other day of a reporter asking a lady why she was at this rally and she was talking about how Obama was giving out money. Then he asked her where Obama was getting the money, and she said she didn't know. Then she asked, "From his personal stash?" or something to that effect.

I had to stop and ask, is this real? and are there really people that ignorant?

Unfortunately, the answers were Yes and Yes.

It all comes from taxes. Taxes. Taxes.

If this healthcare thing passes, I am fairly confident we will all have to pay higher taxes. Fantastic. Just what I need. More taxes on my income. How about you?

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