No, probably not. The fear mongering that has been brought about by the politicians is simply absurd. The truth is anyone can get the healthcare they need at any time, regardless of income or financial situation. Doctor's take an oath to save lives regardless.
I have a good friend who has a major case of Melanoma. He has one final shot at getting his cancer cured. It's in stage 4. The last hope is at a place in Mexico called "The Oasis of Hope". The cost is $25K. He does not have $25K.
So what does he do? His friends and community rally around him and are raising the money for him.That's what happens. There is absolutely no need for any kind of crazy government run health plan. We are Americans and stick up for each other in times of need. Anyone ever heard of charities and the like? That's the way it has worked since we were founded. There is no need to change it now.
This stuff they are trying to ram rod through is only about establishing means of control of the people. If the politiicans were really concerned, they would start the "benefits" much sooner than 2014. How many will die between now and then? A lot.
When I think of government run things, the first thing that comes to mind is government run housing. Have you seen that? Well that is exactly what government run health care is going to be like: a bunch of crappy cookie cutter houses, that doesn't really help anyone... except maybe provide some incentive to get an education and get a job so one can improve their lives and get a real home. However, more often than not, those who live in government housing(aka the projects) never get out and it becomes a way of lie. Which is sad.
So, what can you do? Vote everyone out of office.
For yourself, you need to get out of debt, save a ton of $$$, and enjoy life.
Because if you get sick, you'll have to face a "death panel" and you may not get the treatment you need because you're too expensive.
Yeah, this is gonna be great!
Crappy cookie-cutter houses? You should come to my neck of the woods. Government housing consists of beautiful waterfront condos, and the rent is 30% of your income, even if that income is 0. And the folks in these semi-luxury condos thank the taxpayers very much for their water views and docks for their boats.
Well that's pretty amazing right there. Where is that at?
I know here in N. AL. the government housing are small brick buildings that all look the same.
Good day, sun shines!
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