Today we either get government healthcare or we don't.
I am praying that we do not get this government healthcare reform. It would mean the govermnent is in our homes and taking over 1/6 of the US economy. You and I do not need the government telling us, and deciding for us, what kind of healthcare to get... or deciding if we even get healthcare.
On a bigger scale, you have to ask the question. "Why are we looking to the government to provide housing, finances, cars, etc and now healthcare".
The government is not a saviour. The government is not God.
The only thing that has happened by the government taking control over all the above mentioned things is... control. They now control. I'm not convinced that is a good thing.
This country was founded on the idea that each man is given a chance to make it for himself. Work hard and do the right things and you are rewarded as appropriate. Don't work hard and make poor decisions and you are rewarded as appropriate.
That is the way it should be. That is the way it has been for 200 and it has worked fantastic. America is the richest, most prosperous, and most GIVING nation on the planet. Our collective, yet individual, desire to be successful drives us to innovate. With the government controlling everything, where is the incentive to innovate... the incentive to work hard?
It doesn't exist.
All government does is make things more difficult to accomplish. It makes mountain of paperwork necessary to accomplish the littlest thing. It makes tons of regulations to make things almost impossible to accomplish.
All I'm saying is, the government is not the answer to YOUR problems. YOU are the answer to YOUR problems.
It use to be that taking government assitance was a shameful act. Now, it's expected. That is the wrong mindset. It must be changed.
You can start by listening to folks like Dave Ramsey, Clark Howard, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and the like. Get some pride in yourself and go work hard. Don't re-elect stupid politicians who really do not have your interests at heart. It's all a game. Be of a conservative and moral mindset and everything will be good.
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