For Christmas, my wife got me one of those custom calendars from like wal mart that has family pictures and such in it. I was looking through it and can't believe that my son will be 3 years old this year! Man, I just love that little guy so much!
You'd think that with me, being the multimedia producer that I am, I'd have kept a better record of his years of life thus far. But alas, I have not. I have spent several days trying to get together all of his pictures from his first 2 years of life, so I can make a picture book. My plan is to do one for each year of his life, and I'm gonna be 3 years behind if I don't get caught up! This is going to be a fun project! I have to do the same thing for video too! Lots of work to be done.
In other news, I'm still writing some custom curriculum for a photograhy training class I am planning on teaching ... one day. I had hoped to kind of be further along than I am right now, but we've had a variety of goings-on that have kind of delayed me.
In even other news, I think I'm going to slightly re-do my website ( so I can feature both the photography class, and maybe go ahead and start offering guitar lessons too.
So, last night Brayden and I built a block structure. That was so much fun. He was very helpful. We also played Wii Bowing and Mario Kart. He is so addicted to video games already. I hope he doesn't like get ADD from it. I've got to get back to working on him with his coloring and drawing. I've been kind of a slacker over the Christmas holiday.
In even other news, I'm such a geek, I hacked my cell phone (Palm Pre) so I can use it as a wi-fi hotspot. So now, wheve ever I go, I can get online with my laptop if I have a 3G signal, which is about everywhere I go. I also got a couple apps that let me overclock the phones processor from the stock 500MHz up to 1GHz. That thing zips along now! I hope Sprint makes this area a 4G region soon and that HP/Palm releases a 4G smart phone. I'd be all over that. Sure the original Palm Pre is a little lackluster being 2 years old, but the Operating System (WebOS 1.4.5 currently) is pretty good. It's much more intuitive than Andriod IMO. It's hard to compare it to iOS because that is on Rev 4 already. But still, even at 1.4.5 it can do stuff that Apple's Rev 4 can't so go figure. Apple makes great products, but they are just too limiting for me and my needs.
Guess I'm going to get back to some graphics work now.
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